Wednesday, July 31, 2019

African Americans and the Prison System Essay

I. Introduction In the book the Mugging of Black America, Earl Ofari Hutchinson relays an interesting experience by a reporter. The reporter, who spent two and a half hours watching suspects march before Washington, D. C. Superior Court Judge Morton Berg, noted that all but one of these subjects was Black. He stated, ?  §There is an odd air about the swift afternoon? Xan atmosphere like that of British Africa in colonial times? Xas the procession of tattered, troubled, scowling, poor blacks plead guilty or not guilty to charges of drug possession, drug distribution, assault, armed robbery, theft, breaking in, fraud and arson. According to Hutchinson, the reporter witnessed more than a courtroom scene; he witnessed the legacy of slavery. This paper will attempt expand on Hutchinson?  ¦s theory. It will do so by first describing slavery and its lasting impact then it will attempt to show how the current criminal justice system mirrors slavery. PART 1: Slavery I. The History of Oppression and African Americans The history of the oppression as it relates to African Americans began in 1619. It was this year in which a Dutch ship brought the first slaves from Africa to North America. Following this arrival of twenty Africans in Virginia, white European-Americans created the institution of slavery. Slavery spread so quickly that by 1860 the original twenty slaves turned into nearly four million. In the beginning the legal status of these Africans was undefined. This absent definition created a lack of certainty which allowed for some slaves to become free after years of service. This only lasted briefly. In the 1660s, however, the colonies began enacting laws that defined and regulated slaves and the institution of slavery. One of the most important of these was the provision that black slaves, and the children of slave women, would serve for life. These ?  §breeding laws were just the beginning. Soon, slavery in the United States was governed by a body of laws developed from the 1660s to the 1860s. Even though every slave state had its own slave code and case law, it became universal that slavery was a permanent condition. In addition to slavery being a permanent condition, slaves were also, under these laws, considered property. Slaves, being property, could not own property or be a party to a contract. Since marriage is a form of a contract, slave marriages had no legal standing. Most codes also had sections regulating free blacks. Under these codes blacks who were not slaves were still subject to controls on their movements and employment. These laws served not only as a physical limitation, but an ideological one also. In addition to granting slave owners and white people power over slaves and in some cases free blacks, the laws also granted slaveholders and white-Europeans an intangible source of power. Socially, the institution of slavery allowed white slave owners to believe they had not only physical control, but physical and mental superiority over the slaves. With only a few exceptions, all slaves were Africans. This fact placed the label of inferiority on black skin. The actual institution of slavery as it relates to master and slave lasted up in till the Civil war. The American Civil War was fought, in part, over slavery. During the war, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which ?  §freed all slaves. This seemingly, brought the end of slavery throughout the United States, but unfortunately left a lasting impression. From this point on slavery took on a new form as former slaves being associated with the label of inferiority. II. The lasting effects of slavery: continuous oppression Slavery is defined by Webster?  ¦s dictionary as ?  §The state of being under the control of another person . Aalthough the actual physical control and violence supposedly ended after the emancipation proclamation, The intangible theory of supremacy derived from the institution of slavery resulted in many lasting effects. These effects in and of themselves are a form of force, a form slavery. a. The lost sense of culture and cultural pride: Feeling of inferiority Slave drivers made great efforts to eliminate African culture. For instance Africans were beaten if they were caught speaking their native languages or carrying out native rituals . Therefore, they were not able to effectively pass the languages, stories and traditions on to their children. This forced suppression resulted in the loss of verbal records and a rich legacy of history. It is no secret that there is pride in culture. Taking away the culture takes away the pride and the motivation and results in feelings of worthlessness. b. no economic foundation Slave drivers not only attempted to deprive the Africans of there culture and pride, but they successfully robbed them economically. Slaves were forced to work without pay for years while padding the pockets of the slave owners. This deficit of economics resulted in an inability to establish an economic foundation in the United States. c. Unleveled playing field Along with the deprivation of financial resources, another significant factor concerning the state of African Americans is arrested development. Slaves were deprived of opportunities to learn and become more competitive in many areas of society. Black people were not allowed to read or learn to read, so they could not take advantage of written text. All these lasting effects placed blacks in a severely disadvantaged state when slavery was â€Å"abolished†, led a socioeconomic structure in which white people generally held the highest ranks and Black people generally held the lowest ranks. III. Maintaining oppression In order to maintain this socioeconomic structure, there always seems to be a new form of oppression set in place to maintain ?  §slavery. As if the above detrimental effects of slavery were not enough, the White southerners were anxious to maintain more direct power and control over people with black skin, despite there classification as ?  §free. The White southerners decided to, again, use the law in order crystallize there theory of inferiority and keep black people at the lowest ranks. In 1865, southerners created Black Codes, which served as a way to control and inhibit the freedom of ex-slaves. These historic Codes controlled almost all aspects of life, and prohibited African Americans from almost all the freedoms that had been won during the Civil War. The codes, which were blatantly racist and oppressive, were eventually suspended in June 1866, during the ?  §reconstruction era. During this time period in America and despite resistance, African-Americans were slowly becoming part of this nation’s inclusion. By 1868, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution confirmed the long awaited citizenship for Blacks in America. By 1870, the 15th Amendment was added to the Constitution which made it illegal to deny the right to vote based on race. The Reconstruction era, although short-lived, showed the first real attempts of inclusive freedom for African-Americans since the abolition of slavery. Gains were taking place: Citizenship, Voting, Education, and Politics. But, the underlying desire to have power over those in black skin never subsided. Just like the black Codes, this desire to dominate again manifested itself in another form, Jim Crow Laws. These laws promoted discrimination and the denial of equal protection by law. Just like the codes, they too were eventually abolished. Just like the Codes, Jim Crow laws, the desire of our society to suppress those in black skin will soon take another form. Today that form is the Criminal Justice System. PART 2 The New Age Slavery: The Prison System I. The Prison Institution Prisons are big in the United States. During the past 20 years, the United States experienced a massive increase in incarceration. The prison population increased fourfold, from 330,000 in 1980 to nearly 1. 4 million in 1999, and the incarceration rate increased from about 140 to about 476 per 100,000 resident populations. Today there are more than two million Americans behind bars. But even more startling is the fact that more than one-half of these incarcerated Americans have black skin. Although black Americans only make up about 12% of the US population, they account for more then 30% of all arrests, 44% of all prisoners and 40% of prisoners on death row. II. Race and the Prison System These obvious disparities in the criminal justice system can be attributed to many different things ranging from racial profiling to the lack of opportunity and poor education, but most criminal justice observers believe that these disparities have emerged from the underlying assumptions rooted in slavery. The assumption that slaves were inferior has carried over to today. Currently this theory of inferiority and desire to maintain oppression influences one of the major policies in place attacking African Americans today, the ?  §war on drugs. Most of the shocking disparities in the criminal Justice System as it relates to African Americans in prison can be attributed to the ?  §war on drugs. According to a study by Human Rights Watch, African-Americans comprise 62 percent of the drug offenders admitted to state prisons. In seven states, â€Å"blacks constitute between 80 and 90 percent of all people sent to prison on drug charges. † According to studies of the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, African-Americans constitute 15 percent of the national drug users, but comprise an amazing one-third of all those arrested on drug charges and 57 percent of those convicted on drug charges. The criminal justice system generally, and contemporary crime and drug policies in particular, serve as a means for White America to control the African Americans like they did in the 1600 . III. The lasting oppression Similarly to the black codes and segregation implemented after the abolition of slavery; restrictions are placed on prisoners after they are released. Once a prisoner is released from prison, parole and the bans on public assistance, public housing restrictions, etc. create barriers and a seemingly doomed cycle of dominance. Since half of the prisoners in prison are African American, these barriers, like the lasting effects of slavery, have a disproportionate effect on our black communities. III. The effects of oppression According to the Department of Justice?  ¦s Bureau of Justice statistics, the number of adults in prison, jail, or on probation or parole reached almost 7 million during 2004. Since Blacks comprise 30 percent of probationers and 41 percent of prisoners. That means around 4,500,000 African Americans are affected directly by the criminal justice system. Unfortunately those African Americans sent to prison or under parole are not the only people affected. The impact on the black community does not stop at the prison door, conversely it goes far beyond. Even after a prisoner is released there are lasting effects to the prisoner, his or her family and the community as a whole. a. Demise of the Black family One effect of the high rate of incarceration of African American males in particular has been the decreasing number of marriageable men in the African American community. Along with high rates of homicide, AIDS-related deaths and other factors, this has created a substantial imbalance in the male-female ratio among adult African Americans. Whereas gender ratios for African Americans at birth are about 102-103 males for every 100 females, by the age range 40-44, this declines to 86 males per 100 females, whereas white rates are 100:100 for this group. b. Lost political voice The impact of the criminal justice system on the black community goes beyond the declining family structure to issues of political influence as well. As a result of laws that disenfranchise felons and ex-felons in various states, an estimated 1. 4 million African American males, or 13% of the black male adult population, is either currently or permanently disenfranchised as a result of a felony conviction. In fourteen states, a felony conviction can result in lifetime disenfranchisement, and in seven of these states, an estimated one in four black males is permanently disenfranchised. Thus, not only are criminal justice policies contributing to the disproportionate incarceration of African Americans, but imprisonment itself then reduces the collective political ability of African Americans to influence these policies. V. Solutions The constant demise in the structure of the black family, lost political influence and seemingly arrested development are all very familiar results of a history of oppression. Since these effects of slavery and disparities in the criminal justice system seemingly steam from hundreds of years ago there is no â€Å"quick fix†. Ideally the answer would lie in the destruction of all prejudice. But, it is impossible to erase the deep seated legacy and resurfacing effects of slavery. Therefore this problem must be attacked from a variety of different angles. Recommendations for change can be considered in the areas of awareness, legislative change, criminal justice officials?  ¦ initiatives, and criminal justice/community partnerships. The following are some suggested that will allow for a beginning to a seemingly circular and endless problem. 1. Legislative Actions Legislation should be pushed to Reconsider Mandatory Sentencing Policies and Equalize Penalties for Crack and Powder Cocaine . 2. Criminal Justice Officials?  ¦ Initiatives ?n Criminal Justice Officials should Expand Drug Policy Options And Expand the Use of Alternative Sentencing 3. Criminal Justice/Community Partnerships. The criminal Justice system and the community should attempt to Increase Community-based Diversion from the Criminal Justice System And Strengthen the Link between Communities and the Justice System VI. Closing Oppression in the form of institutionalization is nothing new to those dressed in black skin; it has been present since 1619. In this year Africans were brought to the United States and forced into the institution of slavery. Even after the abolition of slavery, a series of codes and segregation laws were set in place to maintain the suppression of black people because black skin was stigmatized as inferior. Even though the prejudice and biased codes and laws were eventually abolished themselves, this stigma remains. Because this theory of black inferiority was embedded in the American culture due to slavery, various means of oppression are able to continually resurface in different forms. Today that form is Criminal Justice System, more specifically the drug policies. Practically mirroring the institution of slavery, African Americans are being controlled and dominated by this system. Control by the USCJS includes the probation, parole, imprisonment, lost economic power, struggling communities and lost political voice. In order to end this vicious cycle of oppression, action must be taken. First people must be made aware of the disparities. Next those who are made aware must press for legislative change, criminal justice officials?  ¦ initiatives, and criminal justice/community partnerships. The challenge for the community at large is to engage in broad discussion of the mix of family, community, and government initiatives that can begin to reverse the cycle that has been set in motion in recent years. Let?  ¦s do what Abraham attempted o do in 1877, let?  ¦s end this legacy of slavery.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Athenian democracy Essay

Due to experiencing the volatile state of the Athenian government, it is not surprising that Socrates had much to say on the topic of political philosophy. Central to his political theory was his position on how citizens ought to approach ethics and politics. In the Apology, Socrates’ conduct demonstrates his belief that citizens must not be complacent when it comes to political virtue. In order to push citizens out of complacency, Socrates used a method called the â€Å"elecnhus† to prod citizens to discover the true definition of virtues (Jowett, 2009). In doing this, Socrates hoped to promote a rigorous understanding of traditional moral virtues; an understanding of what courage, justice, and wisdom, truly meant (Jowett, 2009). At first glance, it seems that Socrates is promoting the appreciation of the traditional virtues, and is therefore a conservative. On the contrary, I will argue that Socrates’ conservative rationale serves only as a diversion from his radical intentions. In defending this statement, I will first outline Socrates’ conduct and motives in the Apology. Second, I will present the argument for how this behaviour can be interpreted as being conservative using narratives from Crito and The Republic. Lastly, I will argue why this behaviour instead demonstrates that Socrates was a radical. In the Apology, Plato provides a narrative of Socrates’ defence for using the elenchus, an exhaustive questioning method, to stir the position of Athenian citizens on traditional values (Jowett, 2009). Derived from various arguments in The Apology, Crito, and The Republic, it can be found that Socrates had two motives for his conduct. The first motive stems from his notion of benefit in the spiritual realm, which is derived from his theory of virtue. He held that the best life for humans is a life of virtue, and a life of virtue entailed striving to comprehend the true essence of values (Jowett, 2009). The practice of valuing true knowledge was seen to be intrinsically good for citizens, for it adhered to the success of the human soul (Jowett, 2009). Further, Socrates held that evil in this context was the ignorance of the intrinsic worth of the traditional values, and complacency when it comes to abiding by such values (Jowett, 2009). Therefore, Socrates’ first motive for using the elenchus method to stir his fellow citizens, was so that they could abandon their ignorance and begin to obey the true nature of human life, that is a life and soul of virtue (Jowett, 2009). By doing this, citizens would adhere to the true meaning behind traditional values. The second motive stems from his notion of benefit in the worldly realm, derived from his theory on laws. When it came to justice, there were multiple versions of what acting justice entailed. For instance, according to Cephalus, it was to honour your obligation to the city (Plato, 1974, 674). For Polemarchus it was reward and punishment to those who rightfully deserved it (Plato, 1974, 676). However, the orthodox versions of justice was that it involved simply adhering to the laws (Plato, 1974, 687). While this does contribute to a just social arrangement, in that everyone performs the role appropriate to them, it does not address the matters of ethics and law. On that matter, Socrates observed that simply obeying these laws did not automatically entail that the person was acting just, this is because laws are vulnerable to being unjust (Plato, 1974, 701). This introduced a concept that there exists an essence of justice, such that â€Å"there is an essential nature of justice and injustice and what a perfectly just and perfectly unjust man would be like (Plato, 1964, 472b). Without knowledge of the essence of justice, individuals would only be acting just by coincidence, for they would not be able to determine whether their actions were just or not (Plato, 1964, 458a). Contributing to this argument, Socrates saw that laws, and everything else in the physical world, were malleable (Plato, 1974, 98, 505c). This meant that the laws were defined by whomever was in power at the time; in democracy it was the majority, and in tyranny it was the tyrant. Therefore, Socrates held that it was necessary for citizens themselves to comprehend the essence of justice so that they could avoid being slaves to those who managed to hold legal influence at the time (Plato, 1974, 98, 505c). Such that those who held legal influence may be blind towards the â€Å"good† or essence of justice (Plato, 1974, 98, 505c). Therefore, Socrates’ second motivation for using the elenchus was in order to promote the valuing of justice, and other traditional values, in hopes that Athenian citizens could identify for themselves the things which adhere to the essence of these values. Accordingly, with these two motives in mind, Socrates engaged with the citizens of Athens, invoking them to question the traditional Greek values. His mission was to give birth in them a desire to understand the true essence of values, and then to be able to recognize it in the physical world. In response to such conduct, Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth, and questioning Greek life, giving rise to the context in The Apology. From the perspective of the Athenian jury, based on his charges, it appeared that Socrates’ conduct was radical. For the second part of this essay, by using his two motives as a reference, I will now explore the various arguments for why Socrates’ was not a radical, but instead a conservative. For the purpose of this essay, I will hold that the definition of conservative means the preservation of traditional values. Based on his first motive, in order to encourage citizens to abandon their ignorance and begin to virtuously appreciate the traditional Greek value, Socrates openly admitted that he had to push citizens to challenge and question these values (Jowett, 2009). It was seen as radical because such questioning of traditional values was seen as insulting and violating these same values (Jowett, 2009). While this may be seen as radicalism, it is clear that this is not the case when Socrates’ concept of the spiritual realm and the forms are introduced. Stemming from his theory of values, Socrates believed that all traditional Greek values existed in a pure and absolute form that could only become known through reason (Jowett, 2009). Therefore, the purpose of questioning the traditional values was only in order to stimulate the realization of the true essence of these values. Socrates believed that by doing so, it was the ultimate act of respect to traditional moral values, and the first motive can thus be interpreted as conservative. However, the questioning of traditional values ultimately entailed the questioning of Athenian laws. While this also may be seen as radicalism, it is clear that this is not the case when Socrates’ distinguishes the difference between the worldly realm and the spiritual realm. Socrates believed that all traditional Greek values were embodied in a universal law within the spiritual realm, that is above the malleable Athenian law which existed in the physical realm. While Socrates respected and abided by the Athenian law, he was also critical of the nature of such laws. Socrates explains that, because these Athenian laws were malleable to the distribution of political power, these laws were vulnerable to deviation from the traditional values (Plato, 1974, 98, 505c). By promoting the questioning of Athenian laws, Socrates believed that he was preserving the traditional values in the legal system. This traces back to his previous argument, that justice is not simply obeying the law (Plato, 1974, 701). This serves to show that Socrates’ conduct which encouraged the questioning of Athenian law was not radical, but consistent with conservatism. Another piece of evidence was Socrates’ response to escaping prison, as seen in Critos. Here Socrates is offered help from his friend Critos, to escape his death sentence from the Athenian court, but declines out of his respect for the Athenian law (Gallop, 1997, 36, 45a). This is depicted when Socrates states, â€Å"I cannot now reject the very principles that I previously adopted, †¦ and I respect and honour the same ones I did before† (Gallop, 1997, 36, 46c). Further, Socrates also embraced the â€Å"obey or persuade† principle, where if a person disagrees with the law, they must systemically change it, or accept and obey it (Gallop, 1997, 40, 52a). Therefore, Socrates’ acceptance of his death sentence from the Athenian court is an ultimate submission to preserving the integrity of the justice system. Accordingly, while Socrates was deemed a radical by the Athenian courts for promoting the questioning of traditional values and Athenian law, it could be argued that he was actually a conservative who was promoting the appreciation of these values and reinforcing them in Athenian laws. This is defended by the forfeiting of his life in the name of adhering to the justice system. On the contrary, I will now argue for a different interpretation of these pieces of evidence to show that Socrates was indeed a radical who disguised his intentions under a conservative facade. Radicalism will be treated as the converse of conservativism, which will be defined as promoting political reform and deviation from traditional values. The starting point of this argument is that, while Socrates condemns disobeying the law for it is analogous to disobeying your parents, he does not say it is wrong try to change it (Gallop, 1997, 40, 52a). In alignment with radicalism, Socrates sought to be a catalyst of change change in Athens. Although Socrates claimed to be promoting the appreciation of traditional values, what he actually was doing was promoting a change in the way Athenians appreciated these values. Traditionally, these values were undertaken in order to avoid problems in the physical world (Jowett, 2009). For instance, justice was valued for its ability to maintain order and a functioning society. Socrates promulgated a different reason to pursue traditional values, that is to provide benefit in a spiritual manner (Jowett, 2009). This is reflected in his theory of the soul, where he promoted the discipline of appetite and spirit by reason (Cornford, 1974, 23, 428d). For Socrates, the purpose of disciplining the soul was was to pursue spiritual virtue. This is a deviation in the way traditional values were appreciated in Athens. Rather than moderation of courage being pursued to prevent death from arrogance or shame from cowardice, Socrates held that moderation of courage should be pursued in order to promote a virtuous soul. Therefore, it can be argued that Socrates is advocating a departure from the physical world to the spiritual world, in the attitude by which Athenians ought to engage traditional values. The effect of a departure from the way in which traditional values are engaged, is depicted in his conversation with Crito. While Socrates states that he is forfeiting his life out of respect for the Athenian law, now that we understand his position on the difference in importance between spiritual and worldly values, the message he is sending can be interpreted differently. There are two points that give rise to this new interpretation. The first is that in Socrates’ comparison of harming the soul with harming the body, he states that only the individual himself can harm his own soul (Gallop, 1997, 37, 48a). This meant that only by submitting to unvirtuous behaviour, will an individual tarnish his own soul (Gallop, 1997, 37, 47a). As a result, if Socrates were to escape prison, he would be harming his soul in order to avert physical harm. The second point is that Socrates values the preservation of the soul over the preservation of the body (Gallop, 1997, 37, 47a). This is seen when Socrates questions â€Å"are our lives worth living with a poor or corrupted body? † (Gallop, 1997, 37, 47e). Taking these two points into consideration, it is possible to interpret Socrates’ forfeiting of his life as a mockery of the Athenian legal punishment in order to adhere to his own virtues. The message he is sending is that individuals ought to pursue their interpretation of the traditional values, and in the case where they are punished for it, it will not matter because harming the body is insignificant compared to harming the soul. This is again seen in when he states that we should not fear the opinion of the majority, but should only concern ourselves with the opinion of the expert (Gallop, 1997, 37, 47a). Accordingly, while Socrates was sometimes portrayed as being conservative for promoting the appreciation of traditional values and for forfeiting his life in the name of the justice system, when his theory of the spiritual and physical realm are introduced, two points show that he is not a conservative. The first point is that he is promoting a deviation in the way traditional values are engaged. The second point is that he encourages other citizens to deviate regardless of the physical harm that may be done to them. Based on these two points, I hold that Socrates’ use of the elenchus to stir Athenians out of complacency is radical. In conclusion, Socrates’ use of the elenchus was openly accepted to be motivated by a desire to stir Athenian citizens out of complacency. The question that was the focus of this essay was whether his intentions behind this stirring was conservative, to reinforce and maintain the traditional Greek values, or radical, to stimulate a new approach to values. There was evidence which defended that Socrates was a conservative, however, it was shown that this conservative motive was only a front. Evidently, his conduct and theories suggest that Socrates was more on the side of a radical. Cornford, M. (1974). The republic. New York: Oxford University Press. Gallop, D. (1997). Crito. New York: Oxford University Press. Gallop, D. (1997). The Republic. New York: Oxford University Press. Jowett, B. (2009). Apology. Retrieved from http://classics. mit. edu/Plato/apology. html.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Psychology and Crime Essay

There are a number of other theories developed by researchers including Bandura (1986), Beck (1982), Ellis (1976) and Ross and Fabiano (1985) describing cognitive structures or thinking frameworks that lead to troubled or criminal behaviour. These theories suggest that how an individual thinks about an external event, not the event itself, can trigger feelings that lead to criminal behaviour. Cognitive restructuring enables offenders to change their anti-social attitudes and beliefs through a process that focuses on the individuals thinking patterns. Kohlberg (1978) in the theory of moral development was concerned with the cognitive processes behind moral judgement. He used the work of Piaget (1932) and suggested that moral reasoning advances with age. Offending occurs when there is a delay in moral development and the offender does not have the reasoning to resist temptation from offending. (Hollin as citied in Maguire 2002) This could explain why some criminals are seen to ‘grow out’ of criminality. This theory has been criticised on the basis that Kohlberg was explaining moral reasoning not moral behaviour. In conclusion psychoanalytical accounts do not offer a satisfactory explanation of crime but neither do any of the other theories on their own. Psychoanalytic theories concentrate on the unconscious, which is a contributing factor in the explanation of crime but the theory cannot explain all types of crime. Learning theories look at the values and beliefs that are learnt through the environment however they do not take into account internal or cognitive factors. Cognitive approaches help us to understand crime but do not explain the causes of crime. Cognitive theories focus on the individual and how the individual can be treated to change. This is why they are in favour with criminal justice at the moment. The theories assume that all offenders are the same however it is only crime itself that can be described in such a uniform way. In order to explain crime all the available theories including sociological theories need to be taken into account. As for psychoanalytical theories â€Å"Psychoanalytical theories stress the inner processes and conflicts as determinants of behaviour. However they do not ignore or neglect the environmental or social factors, but they favour the dynamic processes as playing a major role in the development of criminal behaviour†. (Hollin 1989) Bibliography Ainsworth.P (2000) Psychology and Crime: Myths and reality. (Essex: Pearson) Hollin.C (1989) Psychology and crime. (London: Routledge) Maguire.M etal (2002) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3rd Edition) McLaughlin.E & Muncie.J (2001) The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (Sage Publications ltd. London) Putwain.D & Sammons.A (2002) Psychology and Crime (East Sussex: Routledge)

Construction and operation of aircraft fluid systems Assignment

Construction and operation of aircraft fluid systems - Assignment Example Compressed air which is a mixture of all gases present in the atmosphere is suitable as a fluid for transmitting power in aircraft given its properties that closely match those of an ideal fluid. Air is unlimited in supply and practically costs nothing. Although it contains different gases, air is not poisonous ( 2013). Also, air does not burn in as much as it contains oxygen which supports combustion. Furthermore, it is chemically stable, easy to compress, and, in most cases, does not contain acids that may corrode airplane systems. Aircraft generally should be as light as possible, the main reason they are made of aluminium. By using air as a medium for transferring power, the aircraft’s weight remains low. If a liquid is used instead of air, the weight of the aircraft would be higher. Unlike it happens with liquids, air does not need a return line when used in a pneumatic system. While this is the case, air often contains moisture to the extent that if it is compres sed, the moisture tends to condense causing harm to the system. The water formed in the system may dilute lubricants, freeze during cold weather, and increase corrosion of system parts ( 2013). One other disadvantage of air as a transmission system is that it does not transmit power as easily as liquids (Experimental Aircraft 2013). In this respect, it is not very suitable for use in systems that demand precise control. Yet again, air is not suitable for use in transmitting power for heavy mechanical devices since it must be highly compressed to accumulate enough energy. In this respect, the system will have to include large air tanks and actuators which can work at extremely high pressures (Experimental Aircraft 2013). Q2 Explain the function and operation of aircraft pneumatic systems and their associated status indicators The pneumatic systems of an aircraft are also known as the vacuum pressure systems as noted by Lombardo (1998, p. 43). The pneumatic systems play a grea t role in the control of aircraft. They systems power instruments, control landing gear (during emergencies), provide air conditioning, doors, windows, and flaps. Compressed air is used for other functions as well. When the aircraft is flying at high altitudes where the air is too thin, the passengers depend on compressed air from the pneumatic system for their breath and comfort. In some airplanes, compressed air is used to ignite the jet engine. Compressed air is also used for deicing and anti-icing for the proper functioning of the aircraft. The vacuum pressure systems basically comprises an air compressor, pump, a system of distribution pipes, relief valves, air filter, vacuum regulator, gauge gyro instruments and air storage tanks or bottles, or cylinders (Nagabhushana & Sudha 2010, p. 80). Suction gauge gyro instruments include the attitude and heading indicators. In small aircraft, the pneumatic system includes instrumentation such as the gyro compass, turn coordinator, and a rtificial horizon. The Vacuum system with gauge gyro instruments Courtesy of Courtesy of The airplane pneumatic systems Courtesy of The pneumatic system works such that the air compressor draws air from the atmosphere and compresses it to the required pressure and volume. The air from the compressor is transported through

Sunday, July 28, 2019

BP Global Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico & Its Affect on Local Businesses Research Paper

BP Global Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico & Its Affect on Local Businesses - Research Paper Example Gulf of Mexico has been a home for as many as 36 Marine Protected Areas (MPA) accounting for 13 % of total MPAs throughout the nation in addition to the MPAs of the bordering States of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas waters totaling 75 not included in the national mainstream MPAs. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Flower Garden Sanctuary have been threatened by the oil spill which could implicate British Petroleum under National Marine Sanctuaries Act. The coral reefs have also been damaged by the oil haze extending for about 22 miles from the Deepwater Horizon site. The Act makes it liable for damaging any living or nonliving resource of national marine sanctuary affecting its conservation, recreational, ecological, historical, educational, cultural, scientific or aesthetic value. The Act provides for imposition of civil penalties as high as $ 100,000 on any person and each day of violation constituting a separate violation. Apart from civil penalties, re sponse costs, damages due to destruction, loss or injury plus interest are leviable under the Act. There are also other Acts such as federal Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act which can make BP liable for deaths of dolphins and sea turtles as a result.1 Background The above said blowout occurred at the BP’s Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico resulting in the deaths of 11 workers who were on Transocean’s Deepwater Horizon Drilling rig. An estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil were spilled in the process. The wellhead was 1,500 m down below the sea water. The United States declared a moratorium on deepwater drilling until October 12, 2010. It is widely believed that the blowout could have been prevented but for the poor quality of equipment meant to prevent blowout.2 Known as the last-line of defense, the blind shear ram on the blowout preventer fixed on well head on the ocean floor would have crushed the drill pipe thus preventing a blowout. The blind s hear ram is believed to have failed for want of checks as simple as verifying whether the batteries had been sufficiently charged. BP’s investigation team is reported to have held that the well had been poorly designed. Offshore Pollution Liability Association (OPOL) where membership is voluntary provides for only a maximum liability of $ 250,000which is insufficient given the magnitude of loss resulting from the Gulf of Mexico incident. Although OPOL membership is a pre-condition for drilling license, there is no rationale for a voluntary membership. This is apt to weaken the legal control of the polluters who would claim that damages to biodiversity and ecosystem are indirect and therefore no compensation is payable.3 Marine oil spills are not unavoidable accidents. Adverse environmental conditions or any catastrophic events cannot be attributed to oil spills.4 The offshore drilling unit at the Deep Water Horizon was worth$365 million capable of operating in deep waters as low as 8000 feet and drill further down up to 30,000 feet. The drilling unit had been engaged in drilling an exploratory well 41 miles off the coast of Louisiana at the time of accident. The well from which oil spill started on April 20, 2010 was finally capped on July 15, 2010. The total damages to the company, environment and the coastal economy have been placed at $ 36.9 billion. Apart from human error and equipment failure, the U.S. Government’s failure to respond with damage control measure, media

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsiblity Research Paper

Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsiblity - Research Paper Example The increasing incidents of scandals in financial organizations has facilitated the need for corporate to play a more active role in promoting good corporate governance and behavior. This paper investigates the roles that banks and institutional investors can play in promoting good corporate governance and behavior in Asian economies. Asian financial institutions, banks and institutional investors play important economic roles in the region. However, just like in other regions across the world have indicated, poor governance of the institutions do not only cause a decline in profitability, but also could destabilize monetary system if the problem becomes widespread (OECD, 2003, p13). Therefore, it is important for the financial institutions to ensure implementation and enforcement of sound corporate governance behavior. Before investigating the role that financial institutions in Asia can play in promoting good corporate governance behavior, it is important to examine the normative f ramework in these organizations in the region. Alayannis, et al (2003) noted that families own majority of businesses and organizations in Asia and hence relations with stakeholders is mostly informal. In addition, the region has a wide economic and legal diversity but countries such as China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Hong Kong have similar legal structures governing business operations. According to Johnson and Mitton (2003, p51) over 65% of all listed companies in Asia are private and are managed and run by families. The companies have been in existence for several decades and their success is almost fully attributed to the collective efforts of their owners. These business owners have a tendency of forming extensive interconnected networks of subsidiaries and sister companies, which include partially owned and publicly listed companies. Allen and Douglas (2000) argued that investing in the subsidiaries enables investors to put their investments under their chosen management team. In addition investing in the subsidiaries gives the investors an opportunity to put their money in potentially profitable ventures. However, this mode of investment leads to unfair treatment of investors who do not belong to the family that owns the enterprise. Due to the nature of the business proprietorship, the organizations have strong informal relationships between the stakeholders, who are mainly family members or close friends. In China, the state maintains a strong grip on the ownership of financial organizations and some elements of socialist laws are common especially on the firms’ relations with stakeholders (Klapper and Love 2002). To promote good corporate governance behavior in China, Hong Kong and other Asian countries with similar business and legal framework, banks and other institutional investors should enforce credible laws and regulations. Similarly, judicial systems should enhance their expertise and increase capability to arbitrate conflicts perta ining to corporate governance with fairness and efficiency (Holder, et al 2009). Senior management and board of directors of banks and institutions should play a more proactive role in promoting good corporate governance and behavior in Asian countries. In particular, Gregory (2002, p49) argues that â€Å"

Friday, July 26, 2019

MGT3190 Assigment for August 2008 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MGT3190 Assigment for August 2008 - Essay Example Cultural values, status issues, general living conditions, climate, healthcare facilities, everyday customs, food, transport, living costs, religious or spiritual opportunities, openness to change, conservation and self-transcendence were the variables taken into consideration in the study. (Van Vianen, De Pater and Kristof-Brown) A survey questionnaire was given to the test subject expatriates over an interval of three months. Surface-level differences only affect the attitude towards living conditions and changes like living, eating, and climate etc. deep-level differences are the ones that actually affect interaction with locals and adjusting to the new working environment over time. Deep-level differences affect an expatriate's adjustment to work, more. The study gave a detailed account of previous findings. If people are trained and prepared better for cross regional assignments, it will be easier for them to adjust and perform well. The research should have also concentrated on the new outsourcing trend and how the adjustment process takes place in a web based business world. The research question basically asked if the practical school of thought was justified. ... The study gave a detailed account of previous findings. If people are trained and prepared better for cross regional assignments, it will be easier for them to adjust and perform well. The research should have also concentrated on the new outsourcing trend and how the adjustment process takes place in a web based business world. Article-2: Managerial behaviors and job performance: a successful manager in Los Angeles may not succeed in Hong Kong Introduction The article studies whether the behavior that affects work performance of American managers, also affects the performance of American managers in Hong Kong. This study further compared the two schools of thought and did an in depth analysis of the practical school of thought and how it's not the ideal one, even if it is most widely used. The research question basically asked if the practical school of thought was justified. And if American managers' behavior in the US would have a positive affect on performance in Hong Kong The hypotheses were: 1. "American expatriate managers will have a similar behavior overseas, to American managers in the US." (Black) 2. "Managerial behaviors which are related to performance in the US will be related to performance overseas." (Black) Method LBDQ subscale variables were representation, demand reconciliation, tolerance of uncertainty, persuasiveness, and initiation of structure, tolerance of freedom, role assumption, consideration, production emphasis, predictive accuracy, integration and superior orientation. Also, friendliness, openness to communication and defining roles etc. were included. (Black) Questionnaire surveys were given to American managers in the US and Hong Kong, as well has Hong Kong based local managers. Results The findings mainly showed that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

MGT WK5 ASSIGNENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MGT WK5 ASSIGNENT - Essay Example He feels that nervousness, uncertainty, and surprises characterise new recruits. Good orientation will help in answering questions that employees may have, and offer the necessary bonding needed between the employees and the leaders of the company, (Cheng 39). An orientation programme may determine the length and quality of individuals’ professional stay in a company. Poor orientation leads to high turnover and increased industrial accidents. However, orientation is an on-going process where the person in question continues to build on the knowledge about the job and the company. Training on the other hand involves actual performance of the job, where an employee gets a chance to perform a task under supervision. Different methods used in training an employee depends on the company policies and the size of the company. Most supervisors vested with the role of training use on the job training. During training a supervisor should not only pinpoint the mistakes made by the employee but should also praise them for the little efforts they make. This way, employees on training will be motivated to do the job correctly. A training supervisor should be open-minded towards the trainees and should avoid any kind of misconceptions. OJT is a large retail company that has seven outlets in the city. The biggest problem is to train the sales clerks, who represent the company to the public. In addition, understanding of the computerised cash register, interaction with customers, and product knowledge are key areas that a supervisor must really work on. The table below shows a three-day orientation and training programme for sales clerks. On arrival to the company Monday morning, the sales clerks will be welcomed to the company by the human resource manager, who will have them sign their contracts. The human resource manager will go ahead and explain to the sales clerks their major role of carrying the company’s image

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A current event in healthcare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A current event in healthcare - Assignment Example 1990 carbon levels by 2020, due to the fact that the greenhouse emissions from the state’s woodlands was underestimated during the formulation of this target. The bill which was formulated in 2006 to have the state reduce its carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 had previously assumed that no net carbon emissions would come from the wild lands (Gonzalez, Battles, Collins, Robards & Saah, 2015). Achieving the balance between the storage of carbon and its emissions to the atmosphere is normally a difficult challenge. This is because, through growing vegetation, carbon is removed from the atmosphere. This in turn serves to reduce any incidence of climate change naturally. On the other hand, burned or dead and decaying vegetation releases carbon to the atmosphere. This in turn increases the incidence of climate change (University of California, 2015). Therefore, the fact that the wild lands will always have decaying vegetation at any one particular time means that incidences of carbon emissions from the wild lands shall continue. Further, the dead and dried vegetation acts as fuel for wildfires, which when it burns the vegetation, releases a huge quantity of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Thus, the recent research seeking to quantify the amount of carbon gas emission that results from California’s wild land ecosystem has indicated that its forests has the potential of releasing a huge amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The forests acts as huge carbon reservoirs, and it was estimated that the quantity of carbon reservoir in the California’s forest is to the tune of 850 million tons (Gonzalez, Battles, Collins, Robards & Saah, 2015). Most especially, certain types of trees and vegetations were found to be the major reservoirs of carbon. For example, the redwood forests that is near California’s Redwood National Park was found to hold more carbon reservoirs on the ground per hectare, compared to any other ecosystem globally (Gonzalez,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Varieties of Corporate Governance PowerPoint Presentation

Varieties of Corporate Governance - PowerPoint Presentation Example Corporate governance is not only a strategic approach and a driving force for an economy, but it also emphasizes on the variations in its system. The variations differ according to the business situation, such as failed incorporate networks may emphasize on the implementation of financial orientation type corporate governance system (Lazonick & O'Sullivan, 2000). Within the applied system of corporate governance, organizational arrangements and social relations act as those factors that determine the controlling authorities for an organization. The culture within an organization is thoroughly important, when directors and controlling authorities to run corporate governance are to be decided. It is up to the priorities of an organization; whether it is more towards revenue generation or towards the development of an ideal presence in the market, such as HTC Corporation. Therefore, this is the organizational arrangement that helps in picking the controlling authorities for a firm (Lazo nick & O'Sullivan, 2000). ... The firms may take advantage of the institutional approach, where system of corporate governance can be accomplished according to the outcomes (Dore, 2000, pp. 115-127). Supporting Arguments As the core argument of the article talks about the diversifications and variations of the corporate governance; therefore, in order support this main argument few of the supporting arguments are developed to achieve the aim appropriately. It is revealed that the relationship developed among the key stakeholders of an organization, including labour, capital and management, differs region to region (Aguillera & Jackson, 2003). Article also measures the isolated effects of all the stakeholders; thus, ‘forward-looking’ approach is used to analyze the effects. In the considered article, role of institutional complementarities in developing a suitable corporate governance system at a firm level is also analyzed. It can be observed that practicability of a certain institution rises, when o ther business institution does not suit particular business circumstances. In few cases, it is found that organizations are not likely to work on strategic orientation, when it comes to deal with financial system (Dore, 2000, pp. 118-124). By describing the dimensions and variations in such system, the role of directors and executive is also truly significant in determining the sustainable and reliable dimensions for any firm. One of the existing obstacles in the implementation of corporate governance is the conflicts, which may arise when interests of labour are suppressed by the interests of management and capital of the firm. The theoretical model presented in the article has served the main purpose properly.

Teen suicides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teen suicides - Essay Example He was a homosexual and his private video with his gay companion was posted on the internet by his colleagues. Clementi did not find any other option suitable and opted for suicide by jumping off the bridge. His suicide was an example of cyberspace bullying and was a tragic happening which laid a great impact (Schwartz 2011). Phoebe Prince was a 15 year old girl who was also new in her school. She was the target of many bullies who used to call her with names and she was physically harassed as well. The internet and the social networking websites were also utilized to bully her. She also committed suicide when she could not handle the pressure and the bullying (Eckholm and Zezima 2010). These untoward incidents are clearly indicative of the fact that bullying has become a major problem in today’s world where it can lead to the deaths of teenagers who are victims of this crime. The involvement of social networking also has a major role to play as can be seen in the two cases. T he death of Tylor Clementi was mainly due to cyber bullying. The improper utilization of social networking websites combined with the inappropriate action taken against the cases of bullying has led to the incidence of teen suicides. Works Cited Schwartz, John. â€Å"Bullying, Suicide, Punishment.† The New York Times. 2 Oct. 2010. Web 4th March 2011.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The title of the book I read was 1491 Essay Example for Free

The title of the book I read was 1491 Essay New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. It was written by Charles C. Mann. Other books by this author include Noahs Choice: The Future of Endangered Species and The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics. 1491 is based around Native Americans and how they really lived before European settlers came to the Americas. This is a very interesting, as well as extremely informative book that gives unbiased and well-thought-out information about on the peoples about which that the author writes. about. I personally found this book to be a very good read. Charles Mann is a fantastic writer, and he makes everything about this book interesting. He knows how to put things so that he really grabs the readers attention and keeps you interested to learn more. He is very descriptive and words things in a way that is understandable for me, the reader. He also has a very extensive vocabulary, which makes the reading even more interesting. Mann also uses tons of information that he has gathered. He makes very good points to his topics, as well, and he makes these points very clear. Because of this, I did not find anything that I really disagreed with him on. The book mostly speaks of how much false information is widely believed in the world today about early Americans before Columbus and the Europeans settled in the New World. Many scholars in the past have made false assumptions on about the Native Americans because of their own ethnocentric opinions. For example, today most people view the early Americans as being very nature-oriented, but not very intelligent people who live in small, isolated tribes scattered across the country, who also never did anything to change their environment. However, these assumptions are not true. The Indians actually had a huge impact on their land, mostly for the better. They cleared land to plant more nut and fruit trees, they grew tons of crops, they even created maize. One group in particular, the Beni, was exceptional in the area of purposing land for their its benefit. They built huge mounds in an area that was constantly being flooded. By doing so, this allowed them to grow crops and trees on the mounds. They even made traps below the mounds to trap fish when the area did flood. Overall, I found the book to be very memorable. I really enjoyed reading this book and I will remember a lot of the information that it has taught me for a long time. I cant think of anything that I disagree with the author on, since Charles Mann does make very good points, and he is impressively convincing. I think that the information given in 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus will open the eyes of many people and teach a lot of people more about the history of the Native Americans. This is a very good and informative book that gives unbiased and trustworthy information about the early Americans before and after Europeans settled in the Americas.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategic Quality and System Management in Damro

Strategic Quality and System Management in Damro Abstract: This report critically evaluating the strategic objectives, policies and practices standards of quality and consistency of products and services of Damro a SirlankanFurniture Company. The company has existing audit practices and makes recommendations for future action. Research Methods included: a brief overview of the industry, analysis of internal organization documents, interviews, focus groups with key stakeholders, short standard quality system and provide literature on comparative analysis similar organizations. Various theories as a model and Pareto value chain Analysis was used to clarify the process and quality inspection. And finally, clear objectives consistent with overall strategic business goals, senior management responsibility for quality management systems and evidence consistency between strategic objectives and focus as a company exploring the quality of the current context to identify and it was based on recommendations and action plan audit quality. Introduction Operational management is part of the companys global strategy. Operation The management ensures that the product should be made in accordance with customer requirement, based on market demand. It would probably be the marketing department communicates their needs to the operating divisions, which Demand. Effectiveness is available and the effectiveness of the two important success of the operation. Right from manufacturing high-speed Right to output delivery. TASK1 DEFINE operation management According to Stevenson (2002) Operations Management is to manage this part of the organization responsible for the production of goods and / or services. Operations Management is part of an organization responsible for business planning and coordinating the use of organizational resources to convert inputs into outputs. Operations are a function of the three main business organizations, the other two marketing and finance. Operating function is present in both product and service oriented focus on organizations. Operations involve the design decisions and operational decisions decisions. Design decisions related to capacity planning, product design, design process, layout of plant, machinery and selected locations. Operating decisions relating to quality assurance, scheduling, inventory management and project management. The concept of operation management Operations Management focuses on the production processes and management distribution of products and services. Included in operating activities often product creation, development, production and distribution. It covers all operations within the organization. Related activities include managing purchasing, inventory control, quality control, warehousing, logistics and assessment. The nature of how the management operations in organization depends largely on the nature of the goods or services organization, such as retail, manufacturing, wholesale, etc. In operations management and efficiency are emphasized Process efficiency. Efficiency is achieved when processes at the lowest possible cost. The efficiency of the legal process creates the most value for the company. In addition, the operations Depends not only on decisions made by the management. If the management decisions, comes the concept of ethics Managers who fail Systems to provide leadership and facilitate the incorporation of ethical share responsibility with those who knowingly receive corporate mistakes. Executives who ignore ethics run the risk of personal responsibility and enterprise. Damro Introduction: Damrois a Sirlankan, company that own their own manufacturing facility. Mainly The product portfolio includes furniture, bedding, furniture, other plastic chairs and furniture for home and office. It is the best placefor wooden furniture. The company has developed its activities in India and other Parties from the Asian region. Damro among the most important furniture in the world producers offering a wide range of modern furniture and traditional. Since Damro in 1987, she had early success and extended to more than 80 showrooms across the world who now have 40 showrooms Island field. Damro success is past its ability to produce high quality furniture at affordable prices with exceptional customer service. Damro is so able to sell directly to you, then cut in the middle man. . Total number of people were working 1500.Damro recognized by manufacturing and marketing company in the best Sir Lanka, Damro Company to carry out other competitors, such as cost of product itself too smaller suppliers of other products, but now all of a kind where the supplier Damro One of the good society Why operation management is needed Effective use of all resources, such raw materials consisting primarily of plastic, plastic timber for furniture. Prudent use of cars Machine must be used for more than 10 years. effective services Rental cars are produced and require special. Cost Repairs breakdown of machinery costs extra money for the company. Indeed, growth Total cost for the company, which reduces the public interest. Meanwhile, combine to create employment and daemon. Operation management of Damro and its importance to achieve goal Manufacture of furniture according to customer needs. Production Programs should be made to maintain efficiency. Operation The management ensures that the best raw materials and suppliers of outsourcing best Selected on the basis of selection. So the final product to ensure quality each time, the operational highlight of which could further improve the production. For example, with appropriate coordination between marketing and operations- It is important. Most times, the operation could happen with new splitting products to the hospital three elements to existing elements products. Actually increases the operational management Avenue investment in production. Damro operations management Source Could achieve economies scale . Could significantly reduce costs through mass production based on the claim. Damro plastic chair has a higher demand. The company economies of scale achieved through the product range. What did May efficient operation department? In fact, economies of scale carry out are: * Cost reduction * Increased revenue * Reduced investment * You can improve innovation Input Processing Process Layout Materials Management Information System Customers If the company makes good quality product, which directly influence weaker corporate policies and the market, so each The Company must be high quality product. Impact on their businessmanagement system, even if the team management and their policies are good All drugs also affect this system. Customers also another important part of society, and quality management system important for the organization to continuously improve the effectiveness efficiency and performance. (Department of Trade and Industry, 2006). Processing Resources Process * Treatment of materials * Information processing Customers Product Release: Furniture designed for market requirements, various designs Furniture Color The important role of CEO to manage the operation accept the design, planning, control, performance improvement, and operation strategy. To include indirect interaction with other managers, which have an impact on operations? For example, marketing, finance, accounting, and engineering personnel. Making a decision is an important role of operational manager- The decision related to 1. Production process of goods and services 2. Quality of the goods or services 3. Amount of goods or services (operations capacity) 4. Material stocks (inventories) are required for goods or services 5. Human Resource Management TASK2 Total Quality Management Progress we are being used in many organizations is labeled Total Quality Management (TQM). It is this approach to ensure that the organization functions with a commitment tocontinual improvement of quality and meeting consumer needs. With any change there will always count The slow road bumps can help your company grow employee morale, production, profit and general positive environment do business. The intense pressure on the market pressure Wall supports business and to compete globally for new ideas explored. The objective of the TQM program to increase efficiency organization. During the era of decline and restructuring, many The U.S. companies to determine who should learn to manage effectively. Management is currently running on older systems as well as workers who use more sick days and abuse of company production process. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Source Objectives include: It is directly implied gross profit of the production cost. Effective Source plastic goods especially effective, quality furniture may environmentally friendly substances, such as wood used for furniture. But that only wood from trees replanted. The materials supplied as part of the management and operation. Selection of suppliers based on quality, consistency of supply, and ethically it is very important to achieving business objectives, already established. From the supply side quality chain and to work as a result of achieving company objectives. Creating a culture of innovation, better management of human resources to achieve results innovation in the enterprise. Employees should be encouraged to propose new ideas whenever possible. Therefore, developing innovative products that could be achieved as a result business objectives. But time and only if, simultaneously, to plan work schedules also important. This will ensure less waste, reduce inventory furniture, better accuracy and the resources used at the right time. While the company could use more income than is appropriate traditional method. Coordination between departments is essential for success objectives. Most of the marketing department to identify exactly what customer needs? Therefore, the furniture should be drawn up dealing with the marketing department. Otherwise, offer toys department has developed, which rejected the marketing department. While regular communication between other departments such as marketing, sales are important, He reviews the best outcome to change. Cross training is also important when it comes to achieving corporate objectives, Employees can work in marketing operations for two months understand customer needs when it comes to furniture types needs of various sectors such as hotels, hospitals and other offices Efficiency is important for successful application organization. The operational objectives are always based on organizational goals. Qualified Persons Employees of important furniture design company. Creativity is important for people to come out with innovative Products successful sales and marketing people to be important for better terms company. New machines are machines used to find us Innovative products Machines it is important that the production company focused. System at present Good marketing information system to show that new products meet or furniture They should reach out to different markets. Customer information is competitive necessary to change or modify products and attract new customers The companys total capacity to increase production or profit, including plant and raw materials in our laboratory. The Business Process coordinated series of activities and the activities people and equipment to assist with the organizational structure objectives. Resources used in polycarbonate plastic DAMRO also use PVC (polyvinyl Chloride), and other resources used plant and machinery, human resources and so forth. Damro is very careful in choosing materials, because The integrity, quality and safety an integral part of the furniture its commitment to customers. The human resources of more than 1,500 people work in both countries. Strictly by employees and effective skills necessary for the proper functioning of business. Thus, employees are required for work performance process. Quality control system: Quality control as part of quality management undertaken to determine the quality requirements. Quality control instruments: 1. Flowcharts-curve analysis of regular production of furniture, significant turnover. Indeed, the correlation was selling new products could grow by him. Meanwhile, it gives mention that at the time, increase sales? Is this because Examination of the season? So many different issues could be addressed by using flowcharts. At the same time, the diagrams can be used to understand the production and effectiveness, Defective product as well. A good analysis of debit cards could result in reduced defect rates and increase production. 2. Run chart 3. Scatter Diagram- could use a diagram to understand that in the period furniture to move quickly and the best turnover. Indeed, Could understand the rationale. quality system audit / practice management and quality control Quality control and quality assurance The quality control system of quality activities to access products or services from a customer perspective. Quality control system in general inspection and testing using rapid technical. A quality assurance management system designed to monitor activities all measures to prevent quality problems and to ensure that products are secure reaches the client. Benefits of Quality Management System To encourage active and effective leadership Give and empower staff Staff clearly understand their responsibility ensure consistency Focus on problem Quality audit Quality should be applied to any organization. quality operation The construction quality and brand marketing, merchandising ethical, Customer service ethic is important for the overall quality Company. Periodic, independent and documented assessment and verification activities, records, processes, and other elements of quality system determine compliance with the requirements of quality standard, such as ISO 9000. If they can successfully implement its publication and may lead to revocation of certificate of qualification. Also called the line evaluation or audit of the quality system Internal Audit: for all operations internal discussion here. functions of marketing, sales, operational efficiency and effectiveness measured. One of the most important objectives of internal audit performance effectiveness of the organization. Quality management system to direct and quality control organization. It is essential for organization to implement effective quality management. How to check value Nonconformities identify and correct, with some products Furniture is a mix of different colors associated with the original version. So, before they should be sent to the retail agent to take out of stock. These products must be distributed non-compliant Market Place. Damro would compromise the image. Identify opportunities to improve and enhance procedures bizarre .- The company would increase Damro furniture standards. Even when costs rose to open more sales after a certain time. So this must be regarded as long term investment . Value added include * Improved consistency and less variation * Reduction in errors, rework, cycle time and leg ISO 9000 Damro products is the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 9000 systems, production standards were Damro Client Team low pay Average working less value for money Client / personal dissatisfaction No team in service deadline Low quality May durable goods Materials Damro review existing standards, and the opportunity to integrate different needs in product quality and safety procedure with Global Manufacturing, and lunch products in Asia and all other countries around the world. Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management is a systematic approach to planning and proven management activities. The objective of TQM is to ensure that each activity contribute to achieving corporate objectives, and it is effectively. The basic philosophy of TQM to do the right things right In the first place. The importance of quality management system in DAMRO Total quality must be considered in any business. Security Guard As CEO must make. Therefore, each organization must disclose employee buy-in quality that actually enhances the overall business society. To pass by todays competitive market your company must provide products and services according to customer requirements and minimum cost. To do this, the company must understand its role in the market Instead, arrange to play this role. And ensure that Dedicated commitment to serve the customer first. To errors, all staff members to give priority to quality manufactured. Not detect and correct errors A good way, because this approach is costly and not necessary to ensure that quality. SMC Damro designed based on International Organization Standardization (ISO) 9000. A quality system consultant Damro SMC and also seek validation by reference to practices and learn from others with great quality control systems. Task3 Strategic quality change in organization Definition of the objectives set by top management that guide how you can meet or move toward the goal of the grand vision and mission. Most of the strategic objectives and maximize return for business. Objectives of the organization must both be included organizations current situation and where the organization wants to go to the objective is what you want to achieve. The strategy for direction objectives. Quality change in organization Source The manager must properly plan for staff training. It may be know the style and task procedures. If they are good ant training output certainly be false. Staff training and good Communication should have top to bottom. Monitoring and evaluation is also correct Must be between the team down at the bottom. Otherwise, they are not get quality production. The value chain model: Porter value chain model that helps to analyze specific commercial activities through which companies can create value, and competitiveness advantage. THE basic of porter value chain model Source Integrated logistics: This is the first step in the Porter model, including the value chain acquisition, storage, transportation, testing and information systems product, service or product. Start: Procurement refers to the handling of raw materials or semi- from different suppliers in different countries and get ready to prepare or storage. Damro team perfectly well equipped for the reception furniture goods. Storage: Damro have their own houses well-equipped for storing materials and semi-finished products. Purchases of goods may be received and stored for a long time without deteriorating quality and freshness. Transportation: Damro Many modern vehicles to transport goods to and from deposit, So fast and reliable transport company. Give delivery within two days of delivery. Test: Another feature is that the company should have, as people Srilanka is more conscious of quality in order to verify the quality is very essential.Damro a team of quality control checks of the goods properly and take action where necessary. Information System: This is the system of internal communication among staff relating to land acquisition, receipt, storage, analysis and reporting standard goods. Damro is fast and reliable. Operations: She steps in the value chain where the model inputs converted to other retirement package. The process includes the following Maintenance and equipment: Machine is a very important factor in any organization that accelerates work. At this stage of processing raw materials into finished products car. Damro is well equipped with modern machinery in place for the production mechanical engineers to solve the problem if the machine. So Faster service can be done without compromising on production activities. SWOT OF DAMRO : Strength S1-market leader in Sri Lanka S2 best qualified technical staff S3-market penetration in India Weaknesses: 1-term needs time to introduce new products 2-team is not continuous culture Opportunity 1-marker spot in other countries like Europe 2 people are most concerned about lifestyle furnitures user-friendly changes 3-best economic development in Sri Lanka, after post-war 4-ability to receive orders online Threat: T1-competition Limit use of plastic- T2 T3-tax policies and rising costs for raw plastic materials Strategy Forms There are certainly have some threat but damro can overcome those by using the SWOT S1, S2, which used to build a competitive advantage Opportunities may O2, can be compete and overcome T1by force S1, S2 and O2 can be achieved . Successful operational objective to achieve organizational goals 1. To be the market leader in the furniture industry and keep up to 60% market share in the furniture industry in 2011. 2. Increase of 10% gross margin by reducing waste production efficiency and plant growth in 2011 3. To produce environmentally friendly furniture market in Europe and America, interest $ 2 million in sales in the product line 4. Increase the profitability of the portfolio and an increase of 15% 2011 5 May-penetrate the Indian market with local products Furniture quality in mind. Maybe create a factory in India to reduce logistics costs and cost of the tax on exports. 6. to 10% market share in the region from India by 2012 7. To be most business value through corporate social responsibility quality furniture for the people of Sri Lanka. Damro objectives Every business decision has a direct impact on the organization objectives. Purpose of the organization is important because Objectives are ongoing end purpose that can be achieved in the long term to ensure to achievement of the goals . The objectives: Increase productivity to reduce waste by 13% by 2012 Increased profitability by 15%, adding new brands in 2012. Reduce staff turnover by 2% to 0.5% in two years To achieve these objectives, the company must meet basic culture of total quality requirements. This is coming very much to focus on: It should reach sustainability in the furniture line Plastics are used in organic Quality of product marketing, The development of products based on market needs TASK4 The implications of proposed changes in the organization Any change in the organization to be affected by internal and external forces. Internal forces are primarily in response to changing process; it can change suddenly for motivating employees. Just in time. JIT learning is also known as production or stockless production. It produces the necessary units in necessary quantities time. For example, the company has around SriLankna dealers sell Damro furniture products for customers. The extranet can establish the Damro Stocks could be the size tolerances required to produce. Otherwise waste production increased more money. If any organization the inventory can be reduced. This eliminates waste and improve productivity. Should increase revenue through stock level, improving product quality, production times and delivery time and so forth. Benefits 1 Reduce operating costs 2 More performance and flow 3 Improve the quality 4 Fast delivery 5 Create a culture of innovation JIT create a uniform load on each point of continuous daily work production and inventory to meet demand during the end of time. Be reduced or use the site as possible, through better planning, product redesign, and process redesign. Flexible workforce, employees participate in production process. This will improve employees skills and give more responsibility and accountability. Implementation For successful implementation Damro involves the following steps: * Reduce all unnecessary stock. * Help employees make decisions. Employee regular feedback to improve products furniture * Maintain good relations with suppliers. Relationships with suppliers are important. Since when implementing JIT and only if they play a crucial role providers. Because if the providers not the necessary raw materials such as plastics, textiles, Damro will not be able to participate only on the concept of time and just in case. So keep good relations with suppliers and be informed on the progress of the operation is important for success. In fact, improves short and long term profits. Meanwhile, he also encouraged employee. TASK 5 Recommendations for damro to do better * Damro needs to improve product design and supervision quality product. Internal and external audit is necessary to maintain quality. * Quality Audits to ensure that everyone working under SMC. * Ensure that proper application of ICP * Provide adequate training to employees * Take corrective measures and monitoring procedures Conclusions Corporate objectives should shareholders be happy to lead to infection to be successful in the market. Business objectives could be achieved by increasing revenue (more sales) and production efficiency. Therefore, the operating division to provide greater accountability for their work to achieve corporate objectives. Damro strategy should be how the company increase profitability by 20% over last year. But that is not healthy for Damro financial development, because it could achieve long-term development without environmental focus .Thus, ethics and ethical development of innovative products is important. Social responsibility is an important goal of the company activity, which cannot be met without creating the best environment for employees, offering ethical products for customers and society.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Time of the Butterflies :: Time

Time of the Butterflies  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Life is what you make out of it:   one can go through it and let things pass them by, or a person can actually go out and get what he or she wants in that life.†Ã‚   These are common words repeatedly embedded into my head by my father, as maybe the same from one of your parent’s.   In the Time of the Butterflies is a book about sisters that fight to take their god-given right of freedom in the Dominican Republic.   To win this freedom, the Mirabal sisters had to give up their safety, give up their childhoods, and give up their lives.   Julia Alvarez, the author of the book, takes the readers through these sisters journey’s of fighting against their dictator Trujillo, and the many hardships while under this political oppression.   It is evident in the book that some sisters had to be the leaders of the group and some had to be the followers.   The Mirabel sister that is believed to be the leader and the strong one is Minerva.   Minerva, althoug h strong-willed, is still not as strong of an individual as she would like to believe she is.   Ã‚   Minerva is the individual that always makes sure that she is perceived as strong; however, in actuality this strength and desired image is only a deception of herself.   Many heroes, courageous leaders, and brave characters in stories never have health problems or other character flaws exploited.   However, Minerva is shown in the book to always have problems with her health.   She is always described as being sick, weak, and needing rest.   Another down flaw of her character exploited in this book is that she gets captured and thrown in jail. Once in jail she breaks down – loosing control of herself and ultimately loosing her drive that she once had.   These exploitations in the novel show that Minerva can be broken down and make Minerva a more average human being, rather than an audacious hero as everyone would like to believe.   Ã‚   â€Å"I was hurt that he hadn’t even said goodbye†¦Mama, of course, noticed the tightening in my face.   My bad headaches and asthma attacks always worried her.   â€Å"You need rest,† she prescribed one afternoon and sent me to bed in Papa’s room, the coolest in the house.†(Alvarez 87).   As one can see here, Minerva is worn down and needs rest.   One can also observe how her mama always has to worry about Minerva’s health.

The Crazy Lady in The Yellow Wallpaper :: Yellow Wallpaper essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Yellow Wallpaper does nothing but confuse me.   It seems to be about a high strung, mentally ill woman who is obsessed with rotting wallpaper.   This yellow wallpaper obsesses her so much that she begins to distrust everyone, even her husband.   She is terrified that someone will take her wallpaper or find out more about it than she knows.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One point I found interesting is that she sees a woman behind bars trying to get out in the pattern of the wallpaper.   This might be the only thing in this story that made sense to me.   The pattern with the woman seems to be related to the way she is being treated by her husband, John.   John is very protective of her wife because she is in all reality a very sick woman.   She feels trapped because of this and the way she sees the paper must be an indication.   She stays up late at night and hours on end during the day to stare at worthless, tattered, yellow wallpaper.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This story really bored me to death.   All I could think of was, "when is this story going to be over?"   I remember having a highly active imagination as a child but this is ridiculous. She sees mushrooms sprouting and women shaking bars and she's a middle aged woman.   The last time I ever saw anything close to that was when I was 10 years old and I saw G.I.Joe's crawling up and down my walls at night.   I don't understand this woman behavior nor have I ever experienced anyone in real life who acted this way.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   John's wife is not an abused woman.   She is actually well taken care of and

Friday, July 19, 2019

Amd Vs. Intel :: essays research papers

AMD vs. Pentium   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A couple of years ago when Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) introduced it’s K5 microprocessor, the phrase “too little, too late'; was plastered across their name countless times. At that time, if anyone were to name an underdog to the Intel dominated microprocessor market, Cyrix with their dirt-cheap 5x86 processor would have been the favorite.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Intel had been the only processor that could handle day-to-day functions at reasonable speeds. Such simple tasks as word processing and calculations, then later gaming and educational work, the processors were unable to perform. The Pentium processor was introduced in 1994; no company could compete with Intel at this point. It took until 1997, for AMD to even be noticed, and then later in 1997 the AMD k6 series was introduced.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When AMD’s k6 was introduced to compete with the Pentium!! Processor, it fell short in all areas, except one-price. It was the cheapest micro-processing chip (chip) on the market. The downside to this chip is that it did not follow the same format as Intel chips. It needed a different motherboard, a socket-7 motherboard. This hurt AMD’s chances at the beginning, but in early 1998 they unveiled their mighty K6-2 processor. The K6-2 Processor was “bigger, better, and cheaper.'; The processor ran on a 100mhz bus, while Intel’s chips still ran on a 66mhz bus, this made AMD’s chip faster. It also was nearly 16% cheaper than any Intel based Pentium!! computer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The gaming community accepted the k6-2 with cautious, but open, arms. With their new SIMD-Enhanced (Single Instruction Multiple Data) 3Dnow! the graphics this processor were able to produce were amazing, for the time, due to the use of floating point intensive programs. With the new processor and their own design they were not only keeping up with the giant Intel, but they were innovating.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Intel answered back with its “SSE';, which was to be included in its Pentium!!! processors. This new enhancement was to push graphics acceleration twice as fast as AMD’s 3Dnow! could. When Intel prematurely released the Pentium!!! processor it fell short. Many people got chances to take the new P3 for a run, and they were barely faster than the similarly clocked AMD K6-2’s. Not only that, but they sold for over four times the price. When news of this reached the dealers and public, K6-2s sales had sky rocketed to 43.9 percent of the market, while Intel’s dropped to 40.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Freud’s Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychology

The psychoanalytic approach to psychology is based on the system of psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud (1859 – 1939). Freud was interested in studies of the unconscious mind and mental illness. He preformed studies to look into human personality, psychosexual development and conducted method of treatments to determine the causes of neurotic mental illness. Freud thought that mental illness was caused by early childhood trauma of which treatment for such illness could only be successful when these childhood memories were dealt with and overcome. He developed his own technique to try and remember and overcome the events from their past that had disturbed their development. He made his patients describe anything that came into their mind no matter how silly they thought it may be. This technique helped Freud determine the cause of the mental illness and encouraged the patient to resurface repressed memories. Freud thought this would help them come to terms with the events helping overcome the illness, which was said to be ‘removing the neurosis'. According to Freud, everything we do, why we do things, who we are and how we became like this are all related to our sexual drive. Childhood sexual experiences will determine our personality in adult life. Freud outlined 5 stages of sexual development. In each stage the libido, the energy from the love instinct, Eros, fixates on different parts of the body, focusing on sexual pleasure on that specific part. Differences in the way sexual pleasure is obtained in each stage will lead to differences in adult personalities. Oral Stage – This occurs from birth to 8 months old when the libido fixates on the mouth. Sexual pleasure is obtained by sucking, gumming, biting and swallowing. Insufficient and forceful feeding can cause fixation in this stage causing symptoms like smoking, eating and drinking to excess, argumentative, sarcastic, demanding and exploitive personalities in adult life. Anal Stage – This occurs from 8 months to 4 years old when the libido fixates on the anal orifice. Sexual pleasure is obtained through stimulation of the anal membrane with bowl movement and withholding of such movement. Fixation in this stage can be caused by how the child copes with toilet training and how they are trained by their parents. There are 2 types of anal fixation. Phallic Stage – This occurs from 3-6 years old, when the libido fixates on the genitals. Sexual pleasure is obtained through stimulation of the genitals. The key event at this stage is the attraction to the parent of the opposite sex together with the envy and fear of the parent of the same sex. In boys this situation is called the ‘Oedipus Complex' and in girls it is called the ‘Electra Complex'. Boys experience ‘castration anxiety' caused by the fear of the fathers punishment for the desire for his mother, which is overcome when his conscious comes to realise that incest is wrong. Girls on the other hand experience ‘penis envy' believing that they once had a penis, but due to castration has lost it. She becomes hostile and aggressive towards her mother who she believes did the castration and a special tenderness for her father. This is overcome when the girl's affections are directed towards other males. The Latency Period – This occurs from 5-12 years when the libido is de-sexualised and directed out into peer group activities. It is a stage where there is little sexual activity and allows children to focus their energy on other aspects of life. Earlier sexual activities are repressed to the unconscious mind and this stage lasts until puberty when their sexuality is re-awakened. Puberty and Adolescence – This occurs from 12-16years when all sexual impulses re-appear. The child experiments with all their previous patterns of sexual activity until gradually leading to normal genitality. After this stage the individual will develop intimate sexual relationships. Freud's theories enabled him to develop a dynamic model of personality. His writings on psychosexual development set the groundwork for how our personalities developed. He also believed that there were 3 different driving forces that develop during these stages which played an important role on how we interact with the world. According to Freud we are all born with our Id. This is a drive that needs immediate satisfaction and does not consider anything else. Like a newborn baby, the Id is present at birth and causes the baby to cry when it needs feeding, changing, and is the babies way of getting its needs met immediately. The second part of our personality comes within the next three years, which Freud called the Ego. As the child interacts more with the world they learn and understand the needs and desires of others. It is the Ego that works to satisfy the Id, as well as considering others. Eventually, usually after the phallic stage of development, the Super-Ego develops. This is the moral part of our personality letting us know what is right and what is wrong. Freud's theories brought with them a lot of criticism. Many psychologists thought Freud's theories were imprecise and un-testable, as in the latency period of psychosexual development all experiences and sexual activities in the earlier stages are repressed. This meaning the individuals will have no memories of these experiences, therefore they can not be proven. His theories were said to be unfair in the way they had been studied. It was based on a small sample of people which were middle class, middle aged Jewish women, most of which had mental illnesses. These factors such as age, gender, culture and mental state should have been considered trough Freud's studies as they could well be factors that also affect the way in which we develop mentally and sexually and could differ from each individual dependent upon these factors.

Mass Media in Your Pocket or Purse Essay

We ar in a term when the toilet media is redefining itself at a train unmatched in tender write up. In fact, basic definitions of various long naturalized host media be rapidly evolving to intromit digital formats that would have seemed the stuff of experience fiction a few years ago. Beca substance ab single-valued function of the rapid changes in mass media both over the past several decades, this research go away discuss the key subtopics related to mass media in an effort to better learn it over on the whole. quite a little Media Functions of at presents briskness Ph unriv anyeds and the I-Phone The evolution of mass media is quite literally a path that blazes through the history of the approach of the human race. From the days when the top executive to sh atomic number 18 the printed word on a large scale via the printing call down to the telegraph, tele prognosticate, television and today the Internet and of phase the knowing recall, what has been seen is a way for the masses of the world to commune and for randomness much(prenominal) as tenders, advertising and the equivalent to be broadcast.The mass media functions of todays new bids represent a tremendous advancement in mass media be have got the modern sharp audio combines colloquy functions with the ability for the substance ab drug substance abuser of the impertinent phone to obtain information, be entertained, fill handicraft and to be marketed to by pain advertisers who are now harnessing sassy phone technology to advertise products and run to a society that seems to be inclined to the use of the brilliant phone (Godwin-Jones).Overall, the I-Phone represents an creation over its predecessors because of the user-friendly inter facial expression which gives the user of the phone the ability to load his or her own content into the phone, much(prenominal) as MP3 and video as hale as the ability to access other get equal broadcast and downloadable mate rial (Cortada). What this represents is an opportunity for the user to make the ingenious phone an auxiliary of their own tastes in entertainment, and for the merchandising of particular(prenominal) content, based on user interests.Todays earlier Adopters and Smart Phones Early adopters are in fact devising the very(prenominal) more or less of the hopefulness phone technology that is readily usable today. taking the utility of the smart phone farthest beyond the amazing ability to communicate with others in the blink of an eye, the smart phone is used today for commerce, the protection of the putting sur slip order and rubber, and to literally launch an all told new segment of the modern economy.In commerce, the ability to use a phone to transmit massive amounts of selective information in an instant has do it possible for the duty of commodities, stocks and other negotiable instruments by millions of extra masses, rapidly expanding the trading markets for these particular items (Cortada) and qualification it possible for literally billions of additional dollars to be injected into the financial markets in a very quick period of time.Public safety organizations and personnel utilize smart phone technology to coordinate efforts in generation of emergency, to share the information that is needed crosswise various geezerhoodncies to achieve the goals of protecting the public, and to nix crime as well as to apprehend dangerous criminal offenders in record time (Weir). The ability to use smart phones to market to individuals and withal to conduct sales and business has alike launched the age of the work from home entrepreneur who tramp run an entire operation from their bag or purse (Wang).Also, this technology is being used for education, especially in the lyric learning fields, where the versatile communication elements of smart phones are well suited to nomenclature learning itself (Chinnery). All of these many uses for smart phone s surely allow lead to changes in the way we use mass media, because as mass media becomes to a greater extent portable, the need for the traditionally stationary means of mass media such as televisions, radios and even printed media like books and newspapers win into content that is accessed by the pocket-sized smart phone.Since there are, and will continue to be more and more users of smart phones, it is bonny to assume that media sources will focus on the la attempt means of spreading mass media, sooner than wasting resources on outlets that face dwindling exposure. Limits on Todays Smart Phone engineering science For all of the great things that todays smart phone technology makes possible, it must be noted that the technology has its limits.While innovations are constantly being made to mollycoddle the treat of computer viruses, the widespread use of smart phones has led to what can be called epidemic proportions of viruses which have the ability to cleanse out huge amoun ts of vital data just as fast as it could send it. This represents huge security risks to businesses because of the discharge or theft of key business information, losses in productivity, and huge pecuniary costs to clean up and/or repair viruses that are spreading at incredibly fast paces.Of course, much of these problems are being intentionally inflicted by those who spread viruses merely for the malicious fun of doing so as well as those who illegitimately extract information from its rightful owners for purposes of individuation theft and other fraud (Panettieri). The liberal convenience of communication and the sharing of information are also posing an honest problem in international academia. In generations past, the passing of notes from one student to other in the schoolroom was something that teachers forbade, but a lot did so with a chuckle because of the rather innocent nature of the offense.However, the modern smart phone has led to students spreading anxious ma terial, personal information stolen from other students and such, which has made it possible for lives to be destroyed and reputations tarnished like never before. Clever students have also harnessed smart phone technology and mass media sources to cheat on examinations, lead-in to a massive erosion of academician integrity in the modern classroom (Godwin-Jones). On a more overturn level, the use of smart phones for the purposes of mass media has in many instances eaten away at the human experience of actually communicating with people in a face to face setting.As a result, society as a whole has become more fragmented, isolated and desensitized to the feelings, needs and problems of others. When life and termination are reduced to electronic impulses on a tiny handheld screen, it is all too easy for the individual to evidently switch off the device and suppose that what they had seen was not real. Mean age, the pain and suffering is in fact quite real, and if no one is attune d to this fact, the human race as a whole becomes somewhat artificial because they are not expected to be able to directly interact with people, but barely when communicate with them via text messages or voicemail for the most part.As a result, the art of communication which has advanced humanity up to this intend is put aside and people rejoin back to a more pristine way of life when communication was unpopular and people were not as well informed as they should be. This will cause humanity to suffer, and should not be allowed to occur. Therefore, let it be noted that smart phones should be used as an aid to, and not a substitute for, human contact. Mass Media Opportunities for Smart Phones Smart phones, for all of their possible pitfalls, do in fact spell some wonderful mass media opportunities that are worth discussing.Consider, for example, a potential new product that needs to be test marketed. Rather than spending millions of dollars for conventional advertising, the ga ther of test market groups in physiologic locations and the associated costs of travel, transportation and more, mass media via smart phone technology can straightaway broadcast advertising messages, transmit marketing data, and keep in touch with potential customers all without the need for huge amounts of pricey equipment and the like.Also, intellectual products like music, literature and such can be instantly distributed, making it easy and fun to be entertained and culturally stimulated at the equal time. Overall, what should be understood is that the mass media opportunities for smart phones are endless, and single time will tell how they ultimately manifest themselves. resultant Through this research, it has become clear that not only has mass media progressed to the point where it is available literally in ones pocket or purse, but also to the point where exposure to mass media takes channelise for the average person on a constant basis.Perhaps most charming of all is the definite possibility that all of the innovations seen thus far are only the beginning of the journey, opening up illimitable potential in the future. Therefore, in closing, while this research has concluded, for mass media, the journey is only beginning.Works Cited Chinnery, George M. Going to the MALL rambling Assisted Language teaching. Language, Learning & engineering 10. 1 (2006) 9+. Cortada, James W. The digital Hand How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and retail Industries /. New York Oxford University Press, 2004. Godwin-Jones, Robert.Emerging Technologies E-Texts, peregrine seek and Rich Internet Applications. Language, Learning & Technology 11. 3 (2007) 8+. Panettieri, Joseph C. Dont Be Outsmarted The New Breed of Smart Mobile Phones Will Soon Pose the Biggest hazard to Your Data Security. Software Companies Are gearing Up to Nullify the Threat. T H E ledger (Technological Horizons In Education) 33. 7 (2006) 18+. Wang, Yuping. Supporting Synchronous surpass Language Learning with Desktop Videoconferencing. Language, Learning & Technology 8. 3 (2004) 90+. Weir, Tom. Innovators or News Hounds?. Newspaper Research Journal 20. 4 (1999) 62.